Lecture 6 - MIPS, OS, Bit-Level Operations
Thursday, June 19, 2014
4:46 PM
Main: lis $2 .word 13 add $3, $0, $0 top: add $3, $3, $2 lis $1 .word 1 sub $2, $2, $1 bne $2, $0, top jr $31 beyond: |
Pass 1: Group tokens into instructions. Build symbol table:
label |
Address |
main top beyond |
0x00 0x0c 0x24 |
Pass 2: Translate each instruction:
eg: lis $2 -> 0x00001014
bne $2, $0, top -> lookup top in symbol: 0x0c
calculate (top – PC)/4 = -5
-> ox1440fffb (-5 = 0xfffb)
To negate a 3’s complement number, flip the bits and add 1
Bit-level Operations
To assemble bne $2, $0, top (where (top-PC)/4 = -5).
opcode = 000101 = 5
first register = 2 = 00010
second register = 0 = 00000
offset = -5
To put 000101 in the first 6 bits, need to append 26 0’s, i.e. left-shift by 26 bits.
C/C++: 5 << 26
Racket: (arithmetic-shift 5 –26)
Move $2 21 bits to the left.
Move $0 15 bits to the left.
-5 = 0xfffffffb, which is 32 bits. there is only room for 16 bits.
So bitwise and with 0xffff
C: -5 & 0xffff
Racket: (bitwise-and -5 #^ffff)
result: 0xfffb
Then bitwise-or the 4 pieces together.
instr = (5 << 26) | (2 << 21) | (0 << 16) | (-5 & 0xffff)
cout << instr;
This will not work. Will print out: 339 804 155
this is 72 bits. Each digit became ASCII
char c = instr ;x – last 8 bits of instr char c = instr >> 24; cout << c; c = instr >> 16; cout << c; c = instr >> 8; cout << c; c = instr; cout << c; |
OS code:
repeat: P <- next program to run copy P into memory, starting at 0x00 ;loader jalr $0 beq $0, $0, repeat |
OS is also a program – where does it sit in memory?
Are there other programs? – they can’t all be at address 0x00
How to fix this: choose different starting address for programs at assembly time
More problems:
How will the loaders know where to load them?
What if two of the same programs are running?
Loader’s job – take program P as input
find a location α in memory for P
copy P to this location
return α to OS
OS 2.0
repeat: P <- next program to run $3 <- loader (P) jalr $3 beq $0, $0, repeat |
Loader pseudo code
Input: words w1,...,wk (machine code for P) n = k + space for stack <- how much stack space? (pick something!) α = first address of n contiguous words of free RAM for i = 1..k MEM[α+(i-1)*4] <- wi $30 <- α+4*n return α |
Problem: We can’t just load programs anywhere. Labels may resolve to wrong addresses.
loader will have to fix these somehow.
What needs to change when we relocate?
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